Discuss, consider and/or take action for the final acceptance of county roads 1930, 1940, 1950, 7630, 7640, and 7650 associated with South Fork Ranch, Lots 111-141 in Precinct 1 into county road maintenance.
Block 20, Section 33.
CR 1930 - adjacent to Lots 123 and 124.
CR 1940 - south of CR 7650, between Lots 129 and 130
CR 1950 - cul-de-sac north of CR 7630.
CR 7630 - adjacent to Lots 132 and 141.
CR 7640 - adjacent to Lots 112 and 116, between CR 7640 and CR 7650.
CR 7650 - between CR 1930 and CR 1950.