Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with G/A Environmental for environmental services.
This agreement covers asbestos services for the Maintenance Dept. at the rates set forth below.
Monitoring & Project Management $750/nine-hour day
Asbestos Surveys $68/hour
Asbestos Sampling $20 per sample
(Shipping is applicable if less than 9 samples)
Abatement Design $850 per project
Mobilization $500 per project
Consultant Time $89/hour
Overtime (weekends) $102/hour
Holiday Time $136/hour
(New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day)
All travel is billed at $0.655 per mile (from office to site)
This is a new vendor to Lubbock County due to the retirement of our former vendor for this services.
Term is March 13, 2023 to March 12, 2024 with four additional one year terms.