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Meeting Name: Commissioners Court Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/27/2021 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 904 Broadway, Lubbock County Courthouse, 5th Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-309 1.00Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Minutes from Regular Commissioner’s Court dated September 13, 2021.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-240 2.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action regarding the Auditor and Financial Matters: Line Item Transfers and Budget Amendments.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-241 3.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to Authorize Payment of Claims: General Accounts (Pooled Cash).approvePass Action details Video Video
21-284 4.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to accept the Monthly Unaudited Financial Report for August 2021.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-285 5.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to accept the Quarterly Investment Reports for Quarters ending March 31, 2021 and June 30, 2021.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-301 6.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Lubbock County Fund Balance Policy.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-281 7.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action after a financing update to the Court from Specialized Public Finance Inc. (“SPFI”) for the Refunding Bonds. The Court will consider providing SPFI with authorization to pursue the issuance of the Bonds signing an Order authorizing a Parameters Sale of the Bonds.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-266 8.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action regarding out of state travel for Sheriff Kelly Rowe to Cape Cod, Massachusetts for Sheriff’s Association of Texas Meeting and representation.approvePass Action details Not available
21-292 9.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action on out of state travel for Byron White to attend NCFI Ransomware Training in Hoover, Alabama.approvePass Action details Not available
21-267 10.00General Funds (Audits, CK Cancel, Operating Acct)Discuss, consider and/or take action on the continuation of food purchases for the Quarterly Academy Advisory Board Meetings and in the event of emergency SWAT call outs with a county purchasing card for FY2022.approvePass Action details Not available
21-268 11.00General Funds (Audits, CK Cancel, Operating Acct)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve an increased credit limit of $5000 to Joseph Ticer’s county purchasing card for FY2022.approvePass Action details Not available
21-294 12.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the second of five one-year renewals with Five Star Correctional Services for Food Services for the Lubbock County Detention Center as authorized in RFP 190601.approvePass Action details Not available
21-279 13.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the third of four one-year renewals with Elwood Staffing Services, Inc. for Temporary Personnel Services as authorized in ITB 180601.approvePass Action details Not available
21-280 14.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the third of four one-year renewals with Express Employment Professionals for Temporary Personnel Services as authorized in ITB 180601.approvePass Action details Not available
21-282 15.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the third of four one-year renewals with ITS Quest, Inc. for Temporary Personnel Services as authorized in ITB 180601.approvePass Action details Not available
21-283 16.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the third of four one-year renewals with KT Black Services for temporary personnel services as authorized in ITB 180601.approvePass Action details Not available
21-274 17.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action for Larissa Ramos, Olivia McLean and Miranda Torres to travel to North Carolina for the purposes of attending the 2021 Homicide Investigators Fall Training Conference for continued education & training.approvePass Action details Not available
21-303 18.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the first of four one-year renewals with Miller Mortuary for Medical Examiner Transportation as authorized in ITB 200805.approvePass Action details Not available
21-269 19.00MiscellaneousDiscuss, consider and/or take action to increase the Lubbock County Medical Examiner’s Department Purchase Card limit for Bambi Trevino from $2500 to $5000 for the remainder of FY21 and all of FY22.approvePass Action details Not available
21-298 20.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the first of two one-year renewal options with Clyde and Janet Kitten for removal and processing of caliche for construction and maintenance of county roads as authorized in ITB 200803.approvePass Action details Not available
21-299 21.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the first of two one-year renewal options with 5S Farms for removal and processing of caliche for construction and maintenance of county roads as authorized in ITB 200803.approvePass Action details Not available
21-300 22.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the first of two one-year renewal options with Kahlich Farms for removal and processing of caliche for construction and maintenance of county roads as authorized in ITB 200803.approvePass Action details Not available
21-276 23.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the second renewal option with Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. for the Transportation Planning and Bond Administration, RFQ 190702.approvePass Action details Not available
21-291 24.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the First Extension Lease Renewal with the Office of the Attorney General for office space at 904 Broadway, Room 429.approvePass Action details Not available
21-278 25.00OtherDiscuss, consider and/or take action on authorization of purchasing food and beverages with the County purchasing card for the Office of Dispute Resolution training sessions, workshops, and meetings.approvePass Action details Not available
21-307 26.00PresentationPresentation regarding the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service quarterly update by Robert Scott, CEA-Ag and Brant Baugh, action  Action details Video Video
21-312 27.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an Order Form with Bonfire for the online submission of solicitations and vendor database for October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-275 28.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Cooperative Agreement between The Office of the Attorney General of Texas and Lubbock County for the Community Supervision services on Title IV-D cases for the purpose of enforcement of child support, medical and dental support orders.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-311 29.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the 2021-2022 Agreement between Lubbock County and The Lubbock Private Defenders Office.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-287 30.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to exempt an agreement with Chapman Harvey Architects, Inc. for professional architectural services from competitive purchasing requirements as authorized in Local Government Code Section 262.024(a)(4).approvePass Action details Video Video
21-288 31.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with Chapman Harvey Architects, Inc. for professional architectural services for an initial one-year term from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022 with the option for four one-year renewals.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-289 32.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to exempt an agreement with Agnew Associates, Inc. for professional engineering services from competitive purchasing requirements as authorized in Local Government Code Section 262.024(a)(4).approvePass Action details Video Video
21-290 33.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with Agnew Associates, Inc. for professional engineering services for an initial one-year term from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022 with the option for four one-year renewals.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-293 34.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with Compliance Sampling and Analysis, Inc. for asbestos consulting services for an initial one-year term with the option for four one-year renewals.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-296 35.00GrantsDiscuss, consider and/or take action on the acceptance of the Texas Anti-Gang Grant # 3401105.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-304 36.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Lubbock Open Door.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-264 37.00Memorials, Proclamations, ResolutionsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve a Resolution authorizing the online instruction for continuing education of the Lubbock County Commissioners Court members.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-252 38.00MiscellaneousDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve the 2022 Lubbock County Holiday Calendar pursuant to the Lubbock County Employee Handbook, Section 7.03.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-251 39.00Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order)Discuss, consider and/or take action and designate the day of the week on which the Commissioners Court will convene in regular term per Local Government Code Section 81.005(a).approvePass Action details Video Video
21-277 40.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to sign Amendment Number 3 with Halff Associates, Inc. for the Lubbock County Comprehensive Transportation Program, RFQ 180404.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-308 41.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Cost Sharing and Reimbursement Agreement with the City of Lubbock for the full mill and relay asphalt maintenance project for the entirety of University Avenue from Marsha Sharp Freeway (US62/82) to Clovis Highway (Hwy 84).approvePass Action details Video Video
21-305 42.00Maps, Plats, Subdivisions, and UtilitiesDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve a preliminary plat for Bednarz Addition, Lots 1-36 in Precinct 2.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-306 43.00Maps, Plats, Subdivisions, and UtilitiesDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve and authorize the County Judge to sign for filing purposes the plat regarding Bednarz Addition, Lots 1-22 in Precinct 2.approvePass Action details Video Video
21-295 44.00ReportsReport on the status of County Road Projects, Department Staffing, Training and Safety, unpaved and paved road maintenance, signs, parks, and fleet management action  Action details Video Video
21-321 45.00Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order)A quorum of the Commissioners Court may attend the following event(s): Lubbock County Expo Center Local Government Corporation Board of Directors meeting on September 28, 2021 at 12:00pm at 1500 Broadway, 5th Floor (LEDA Conference Room) Lubbock, action  Action details Video Video