| 1.00 | Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Minutes from Regular Commissionerâs Court dated August 26, 2024. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 2.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the County Clerk Records Management and Archive Plan for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 3.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the County Clerk Technology Fund Plan for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 4.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the County Clerk Record Preservation Fund for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 5.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action regarding the Auditor and Financial Matters: Line Item Transfers and Budget Amendments. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 6.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to Authorize Payment of Claims: General Accounts (Pooled Cash). | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 7.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to accept the Monthly Un-Audited Financial Report for July 2024. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 8.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Presentation and update regarding the FY 2025 Proposed Budget by the Lubbock County Auditor. | no action | |
Action details
| 9.00 | Travel | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Sheriff Kelly Rowe, Chief Mike Reed, Assistant Chief Joe Gilliam and Lieutenant Jordan Roberts to Durant, Oklahoma to attend the HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas) awards ceremony and meeting. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 10.00 | Travel | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize out of state travel for Isaac Badu to attend the Tyler Courts & Justice 2024 Forum in Marana, Arizona. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 11.00 | Right of Way (Easements, Applications) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve Woodrow Road right-of-way for Parcel 202, 202.1, 203, Glen Chisum, in the amount of $21,690.00. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 12.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the first of four one-year renewals with Nardis Public Safety for Sheriffâs Office Uniforms. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 13.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement for Short-Term Detention of Juvenile Offenders with Youth Opportunity Investments, LLC dba Rockdale Youth Academy. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 14.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the second of four one-year renewals with Griffin Mortuary for pauper cremation services. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 15.00 | Other | Discuss, consider and/or take action to increase the purchase card monthly credit limits for Clint Wehrman and Kristina Handley from $2,500.00 to $10,000.00 and Andrea Byrne from $2,500.00 to $5,000.00 for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 16.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the second lease extension agreement with Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc. for lease of office space at 916 Main, Suite 301. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 17.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement for Secure Long-Term Residential Service for Juvenile Offenders with Youth Opportunity Investments, LLC dba Rockdale Youth Academy. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 19.00 | Miscellaneous | Discuss, consider and/or take action for the Commissioners Court department to purchase refreshments, meals, and supplies with the County purchasing card for appropriate functions for the Lubbock County Expo Center Local Government Corporation Board of Directors and Historical Commission Meetings for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 20.00 | Miscellaneous | Discuss, consider and/or take action to increase Purchase Card limits for Lindsey Diaz from $2,500.00 to $5,000.00 for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 18.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to suspend, until further notice, the use of the county purchasing cards by Commissioner Jason Corley and Commissioner Jordan Rackler. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 21.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to adopt the Lubbock County Tax Rate of $0.358989 per $100 of taxable value for the Tax Year of 2024. $0.327613 is for the purpose of maintenance and operation and $0.031376 is for the purpose of principal and interest on debt per Texas Tax Code section 26.05(a) and section 26.05 (b). | no action | |
Action details
| 22.00 | Hospital District, Hospitals | 10:15 AM Public Hearing regarding the FY 2025 Lubbock County Hospital District Budget and Tax Rate. | | |
Action details
| 23.00 | Hospital District, Hospitals | Discuss, consider and/or take action to adopt the Lubbock County Hospital District tax rate of $0.1031640 per $100 of taxable value for the tax year of 2024. | | |
Action details
| 24.00 | Hospital District, Hospitals | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the FY 2025 Budget for the Lubbock County Hospital District. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 25.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | 10:45 AM Public Hearing regarding the FY 2025 Lubbock County Budget. | | |
Action details
| 26.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to adopt the FY 2025 Budget for Lubbock County. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 27.00 | Miscellaneous | Discuss, consider and/or take action regarding a request from the Caviel Museum of African American History for funding pursuant to Section 74.601 et seq. of the Texas Property Code and defined in the Texas Local Government Code Section 381.004. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 28.00 | Presentation | Presentation and discussion on behalf of Ronnie Keister, Tax Assessor- Collector, regarding the Venue and Short-Term Rental Tax Collections. | no action | |
Action details
| 29.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve fees and plans for the District Clerkâs Court Record Preservation (acct. 094) and Records Management and Archive Plan (acct. 102) for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 30.00 | Memorials, Proclamations, Resolutions | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Lubbock County Constable Fees for FY 2025. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 31.00 | Other | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the FY 2025 Lubbock County Sheriff Civil Fees. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 32.00 | Bids and Proposals | Discuss, consider and/or take action to award RFP 240702 for Micro-Surfacing for Lubbock County Public Works Department and authorize the County Judge to execute the agreement. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 33.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to adopt the use of KNOWiNK Poll Pads for the November 5, 2024, General Election. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 34.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the November 5, 2024, General Election. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 35.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Joint Election Resolution to conduct the General Election on November 5, 2024, with the City of Lubbock, Frenship Independent School District, Roosevelt Independent School District and Lubbock County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 36.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to appoint Roxzine Stinson, in her capacity as Elections Administrator, as the Joint Elections Officer for the November 5, 2024, General Election. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 37.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to appoint Roxzine Stinson, in her capacity as Elections Administrator, as the Joint Early Voting Clerk for the November 5, 2024, General Election. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 38.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Early Voting dates, times and locations for the November 5, 2024, General Election. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 39.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Elections Office at 1308 Crickets Avenue as the Main Early Voting polling location for the November 5, 2024, General Election pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 85.002. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 40.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the list of early voting Lead Clerks for the November 5, 2024, General Election. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 41.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve Ronny Gallagher, Beth Shapiro, Nicky Anderson, Debbie Rowan, Kathleen Mawe, Robin Adams Parks, Veda Wright, Kristen Cooper, Barbara Sucsy, Lisa Hiracheta, and Carol Wargo as members of the Early Voting Ballot Board for the November 5, 2024, General Election pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 87.002. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 42.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve Ronny Gallagher as Judge and Beth Shapiro as Alternate Judge of the Early Voting Ballot Board for the November 5, 2024, General Election pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 87.002. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 43.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Election Day Vote Centers as presented for the November 5, 2024, General Election. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 44.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the list of Election Day Judges and Alternate Judges for the November 5, 2024, General Election pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 32.002. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 45.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve Roxzine Stinson, in her capacity as Elections Administrator, as the Central Counting Station Manager, Karyn Cruz as the Tabulation Supervisor, Kristen Phelps as the Assistant Tabulation Supervisor, Beth Bender as the Presiding Judge and Nellie Hopson as the Alternate Judge for the November 5, 2024, General Election Central Counting Station pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 127 Supchapter A, Establishment and Organization of Central Counting Station. (127.002, 127.003, 127.004, 32.002 and 127.005.) | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 46.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the dates and times for a Provisional Voter that did not have one of the seven acceptable forms of photo ID at the time of voting to come into the Elections Office to cure their Provisional Ballot for the November 5, 2024 General Election pursuant to the Texas Election Code Section 81.42(h) | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 47.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with Special Waste Management, Inc. for medical waste disposal at the Lubbock County Detention Center. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 48.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Letter of Agreement to amend and extend the current Mental Health Services for Lubbock County Detention Center with StarCare Specialty Health System. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 49.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Lubbock for the funding of the Intermediary Care Clinic at the Lubbock Health Department. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 50.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Sales Agreement and Addendum with Warren Cat for the purchase of a 2024 Belshe Trailer. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 51.00 | Reports | Report on the status of County Road Projects, Department Staffing, Training and Safety, unpaved and paved road maintenance, signs, parks, and fleet management report. | no action | |
Action details
| 52.00 | Miscellaneous | A quorum of the Commissioners Court may attend the following events:
The Lubbock County Expo Center Local Government Corporation Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 12:00pm at 1500 Broadway (LEDA Conference Room) Lubbock, Texas. | | |
Action details
Not available