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Meeting Name: Commissioners Court Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/14/2022 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 904 Broadway, Lubbock County Courthouse, 5th Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes 03/14/2022 Minutes 03/14/2022  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-0350 1.00Projects and Programs9:00 am- A work session will be held regarding the American Rescue Plan Act prior to the Regular Commissioners Court meeting.   Action details Not available
22-0377 2.00Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Minutes from Regular Commissioner’s Court dated February 28, 2022.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0379 3.00Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Minutes from Special Commissioner’s Court dated March 7, 2022.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0381 4.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action regarding the Auditor and Financial Matters: Line Item Transfers and Budget Amendments.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0380 5.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to Authorize Payment of Claims: General Accounts (Pooled Cash).approvePass Action details Not available
22-0382 6.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to accept the Monthly Un-Audited Financial Report for January 2022.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0383 7.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action for Courts Administration to have a cash drawer for Pre-Trial Fees Collection.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0351 8.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Isaac Badu, Greg Jackson, Justin Sizemore, Zoriel Contreras, Kathy Williams, Rhonda Scott, Catie Wall, Maggie Black, Diana Lopez, Conner Farrington, Lance Schdmit, Kristina Handley, and Katlyn Longley for Tyler Conference training in Indianapolis, Indiana.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0355 9.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Sheriff Kelly Rowe and Chief Deputy Mike Reed to attend the National Sheriff’s Association Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0367 10.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Kyle McLaughlin to Erie, Pennsylvania to attend a Forensic Scenes and Evidence Course-3D Scanning Methods.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0368 11.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Bambi Trevino to Orlando, Florida to attend a Forensic Supervisor Training Course.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0369 12.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Lori Takahashi to Springfield Missouri to attend a Child Death Investigations Course.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0375 13.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Brokerage Service Fee Agreement with USI Southwest, Inc.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0362 14.00Bids and ProposalsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to award RFP 220110, Third Party Administrator for Non Profits in regards to the ARPA funding for the Auditor’s Office.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0364 15.00OtherDiscuss, consider and/or take action to exempt repairs to the inmate property conveyor with SRS Conveyors from the requirement of competitive procurement pursuant to Section 262.024(a)(11) of the Texas Government Code for Facilities Maintenance.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0363 16.00Bids and ProposalsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to award ITB 220102, Juvenile Justice Center ReRoof for Facility Maintenance.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0366 17.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a contract modification to the Psychological Assessment Services agreement with Texas Tech University.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0372 18.00Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the Order of Election for the May 7, 2022 Constitutional Amendment Special Election in recognition of the Proclamation by the Governor of the State of Texas dated February 16, 2022.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0373 19.00Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the May 7, 2022 Constitutional Amendment Special Election.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0376 20.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Tower Site Usage Agreement with Telespan, LLC.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0374 21.00GrantsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to consider and approve Form FSA-338 “Request for Obligation of Funds” for USDA Certified Mediation Program Grant.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0353 22.00Projects and ProgramsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign Enrollment form for the Texas Association of Counties Certified Cybersecurity Training Course and appoint Isaac Badu as the Course Administrator for the fulfillment of HB 3834.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0360 23.00ReportsReport on the status of the software conversion and I.T.S. department from Isaac Badu, Director of the Information Technology Services action  Action details Not available
22-0357 24.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to exempt the agreement with Phelps Dunbar LLP for professional legal services from the requirement of competitive procurement pursuant to Section 262.024(a)(4) of the Texas Government Code.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0358 25.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with Phelps Dunbar LLP for acquisition of right-of-way for the expansion of Woodrow Road.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0387 26.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign Amendment #1 for the Woodrow Road Project between Lubbock County and Kimley-Horn, Associates, Inc. in the amount of $706,100.00.approvePass Action details Not available
22-0385 27.00ReportsReport on the status of County Road Projects, Department Staffing, Training and Safety, unpaved and paved road maintenance, signs, parks, and fleet management action  Action details Not available
22-0378 28.00MiscellaneousA quorum of the Commissioners Court may attend the following events: Lubbock County Expo Center Local Government Corporation Board of Directors meeting on March 22, 2022 at 12:00pm at 1500 Broadway, 5th Floor (LEDA Conference Room) Lubbock, Texas.   Action details Not available