| 1.00 | Projects and Programs | 9:00 am- A work session will be held regarding the American Rescue Plan Act prior to the Regular Commissioners Court meeting. | | |
Action details
| 2.00 | Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Minutes from Special Commissioner’s Court dated December 6, 2021. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 3.00 | Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Minutes from Regular Commissioner’s Court dated December 13, 2021. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 4.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action regarding the Auditor and Financial Matters: Line Item Transfers and Budget Amendments. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 5.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to Authorize Payment of Claims: General Accounts (Pooled Cash). | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 6.00 | Boards and Districts | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve Margaret Ceja, Jesse Garza and Cliff Fedler to serve on the Lubbock County General Assistance Advisory Board for a two-year term ending December 31, 2023. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 7.00 | Change Order | Discuss, consider and/or take action authorize the County Judge to sign Change Order #1 with Hub City Plumbing & Mechanical for the Lubbock County Detention Center Domestic Water Boiler Replacement for an additional 135 days. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 8.00 | Leases, County Property | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a lease extension renewal for lease of office space to Regional Public Defender Office Local Government Corporation at 916 Main Street, 9th Floor, Lubbock, TX. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 9.00 | Bonds (Officials Bonds, etc.) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Bond for the District Clerk, Sara L. Smith commencing January 1, 2022. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 10.00 | Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve creating four new accounts at City Bank under the new District Clerk, Sara L. Smith. The four account types include a general account, an e-file account, a custodial account and a credit card account. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 11.00 | Bids and Proposals | Discuss, consider and/or take action to award ITB 221102, Slaton Club House Re-Roof for the Facility Maintenance Department. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 12.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Letter of Agreement with Armstrong Mechanical Company, Inc. for the Lubbock County Detention Center I.T. Room HVAC System Modifications as awarded in ITB 221003. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 13.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Joint Resolution and Statistical Information for the March 1, 2022 Democratic and Republican Joint Primary. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 14.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve a joint election and the contract for the March 1, 2022 Democratic and Republican Joint Primary. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 15.00 | Elections, General (Voting/Polling Location) | Discuss, consider and/or take action for authorization regarding matters related to the 2021 Lubbock County Redistricting Project, including: (1) consideration, adjustment, and adoption of a final plan for new county election precincts (voting tabulation districts), pursuant to Chapters 42 and 43 of the Texas Election Code, and other authority: and (2) granting of authorization for the county’s staff and legal counsel to submit said final plan to the Texas Secretary of State. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 17.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an Application for Stop-Loss Insurance and Addendum with Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 18.00 | Leases, County Property | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the annual renewal and addendum with Hart Intercivic to the Verity Master Agreement. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 19.00 | Grants | Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve Grant Adjustment to Grant #3401105 to purchase 10- RT-4 Minispike and Gear keepers, to adjust pay and benefits for Senior Administrative Assistant/ Analytical person and 2nd Analytical Person at Lubbock TAG, (3% increase). To purchase 3 5.11 UCR Sling pack Active Shooter Response Kits. Total Adjustment: $6953.92 | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 16.00 | Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work) | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Pricing Supplemental and Addendum with TransUnion. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 20.00 | Grants | Discuss, consider and/or take action authorizing the Lubbock Sheriff’s Office to submit the application to the Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office Homeland Security Grants Division 2022 State Homeland Security Program - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention and Regular Projects Grant for FY2023. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 21.00 | Memorials, Proclamations, Resolutions | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize Lubbock County Commissioner’s Court to approve the Lubbock County Medical Examiner’s Body Hold Policy effective February 1, 2022. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 22.00 | Projects and Programs | Discuss, consider and/or take action to appropriate up to ten million dollars( $10 million) from the American Rescue Plan Act special fund for design, construction, and programming of a new Lubbock County Medical Examiner’s Office. | approve | Pass |
Action details
| 23.00 | Projects and Programs | Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Clerk to utilize Court Preservation funds to add shelves to existing Motus Space Saver units located at the records center. | approve | Pass |
Action details