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Meeting Name: Commissioners Court Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/13/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 904 Broadway, Lubbock County Courthouse, 5th Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes 02/13/2023 Minutes 02/13/2023  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-0236 1.00Projects and Programs9:00 am-10:00 am -A work session will be held regarding the American Rescue Plan Act prior to the Regular Commissioners Court meeting.   Action details Video Video
23-0240 2.00Meeting Info (Minutes Approved, Call to Order)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve the Minutes from Regular Commissioner’s Court dated January 23, 2023.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0256 3.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to Authorize Payment of Claims: General Accounts (Pooled Cash).approvePass Action details Not available
23-0258 4.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action regarding the Auditor and Financial Matters: Line Item Transfers and Budget Amendments.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0260 5.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to accept the S&P Global Rating of AA+ with report and letter for Lubbock County.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0259 6.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to accept the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the fiscal period 10/01/20-09/30/21.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0263 7.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the Verification of Contact document with the Opioid Abatement Texas Trust as well as any other documents related to the opioid abatement litigation settlement under Government Code Sec 403.506(c )(1).approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0238 9.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Federico Solis-Perez to attend the Reaching Rural: Advancing Collaborative Solutions, meeting in Leesburg, VA.   Action details Not available
23-0238 8.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Federico Solis-Perez to attend the Reaching Rural: Advancing Collaborative Solutions, meeting in Leesburg, VA.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0247 10.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out of state travel for Ryan Fillman to attend the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Homemade Explosives-Identify, Process-Dispose Course in Huntsville, Alabama.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0254 11.00TravelDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve out-of-state travel for Michele Campbell (Law Librarian) to attend the American Association of Law Libraries annual conference in Boston, MA.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0237 12.00Right of Way (Easements, Applications)Discuss, consider and/or take action for approval of a Possession and Use Agreement with Bryan & Tami Leonard for Parcel 82 in the amount of $6,000.00 in support of the Woodrow Road project.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0251 13.00Right of Way (Easements, Applications)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve Utility Permit #23-012 and authorize the County Judge to sign the resolution to allow Caldwell Trust to install irrigation pipeline under the intersection of CR 3300 and CR 7800 in Precinct 2.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0253 14.00Right of Way (Easements, Applications)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve and authorize the County Judge to sign an order abandoning and closing a portion of a right-of-way running along the south side of Tract 22 in Country Road Estates.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0242 15.00Change OrderDiscuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign Change Order #2 with Armstrong Mechanical, Inc. for the LCDC I.T. Room HVAC System Modification in the amount of $2,108.00.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0270 16.00AppointmentsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve the appointments of W.J.(Dub) Wade Jr. to the Historical Commission for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2023.appointedPass Action details Not available
23-0232 17.00MiscellaneousDiscuss, consider and/or take action to increase the Lubbock County Medical Examiner’s Department Purchase Card limit for Bambi Trevino from $2,500.00 to $7,000.00 for FY 2023.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0231 18.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve increasing purchasing card limit for Robert Scott to $5,000 per statement cycle from February 1, 2023 to April 1, 2023.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0252 19.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the second of four one-year renewals with Otis Elevator Company for elevator maintenance services.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0262 20.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Lamb County for the housing of Lubbock County inmates.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0261 21.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an Intergovernmental Agreement with Winkler County regarding the housing of Lubbock County inmates in the Winkler County Law Enforcement Center.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0245 22.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an Intergovernmental Agreement with Mitchell County regarding housing of Lubbock County inmates in the Mitchell County Law Enforcement Center.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0243 23.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement for Psychological Assessment and Counseling Services for FY 2023 with Dr. David Egerton.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0274 24.00Memorials, Proclamations, ResolutionsPresentation to John White for emeritus service to the Lubbock County Historical Commission.approvePass Action details Not available
23-0271 25.00Memorials, Proclamations, ResolutionsPresentation to Don Abbe for emeritus service to the Lubbock County Historical Commission.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0246 26.00PresentationPresentation and discussion on behalf of Ronnie Keister, Tax Assessor-Collector, regarding the Venue and Short Term Rental Tax action  Action details Video Video
23-0268 27.00Budgets (Co. Finance, Amendments, Annual Budget)Discuss, consider and/or take action concerning an order authorizing the issuance of Lubbock County, Texas Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2023A and provisions incident and related to the issuance of said bonds...bodyapprovePass Action details Video Video
23-0241 28.00Bonds (Officials Bonds, etc.)Discuss, consider and/or take action to approve official bond for Scarlette R. Stinson for $10,000.00 from Merchants Bonding Company.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0266 29.00GrantsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the resolution in support of the following Homeland Security Grant Application Listed below for the year 2024, for $120,200.00: Regional Bomb Squad - Bomb Suite Replacement, Regional SWAT Team Tactical Entry Equipment, Regional SWAT Team Tactical Robot, Regional SWAT Team Tactical Ballistic Entry Equipment, Regional SWAT Team Other Authorized Equipment.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0272 30.00GrantsDiscuss, consider and/or take action regarding the DWI Court Grant #2195614 and Adult Drug Court Grant #1836117 for FY 2023.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0255 31.00Bids and ProposalsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to direct the purchasing and HR departments to create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for health benefits for 2024. The size and scope of the RFP will be determined at a later date.item failedFail Action details Video Video
23-0255  Bids and ProposalsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to direct the purchasing and HR departments to create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for health benefits for 2024. The size and scope of the RFP will be determined at a later date.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0255  Bids and ProposalsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to direct the purchasing and HR departments to create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for health benefits for 2024. The size and scope of the RFP will be determined at a later date.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0255  Bids and ProposalsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to direct the purchasing and HR departments to create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for health benefits for 2024. The size and scope of the RFP will be determined at a later date.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0257 32.00Bids and ProposalsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to award ITB 231201, Pest Management Services.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0244 33.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign a Contract Modification with JSA Architects, Inc. for professional architectural services.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0250 34.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an Interlocal Agreement with The City of Lubbock for the FY22 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0235 35.00GrantsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to approve the resolution allowing the District Attorney’s Office to submit a grant application for the Border Prosecution Unit-TAG Project Grant (BPU 3805103).approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0233 36.00Memorials, Proclamations, ResolutionsDiscuss, consider and/or take action to adopt an order authorizing the sale of fireworks for Texas Independence Day (March 2), pursuant to Occupations Code Sec. 2154.202(h).approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0264 37.00Contracts and Agreements (MOU, Statement of Work)Discuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign an agreement with West Texas Paving, Inc. for the 109th Street Resurfacing as awarded in ITB 231101.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0269 38.00Maps, Plats, Subdivisions, and UtilitiesDiscuss, consider and/or take action to authorize the County Judge to sign for filing purposes the plat regarding Verrado Estates, Lots 115-140 in Precinct 1.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0265 39.00ReportsReport on the status of County Road Projects, Department Staffing, Training and Safety, unpaved and paved road maintenance, signs, parks, and fleet management action  Action details Video Video